Grrr....we had a long chat last night on Skype with our friends in Berlin. We had some questions and they had loads to tell us and it was quite an eye opener. I came away from it feeling tired and a little bit more worried about the move. Stevie of course just sees the positives and I think that might be making me look at all the negatives more. So I went to bed feeling a bit sad and annoyed and confused with Stevie bombarding me with questions about whether it is the wardrobe and fridge that are keeping me here!
It's not as funny as it sounds. There are things that have a lot of meaning for me and things that we worked hard to get and things that I thought I'd keep forever. I feel that Stevie is happy to just walk away from everything and plans that we just go abroad with one suitcase each and pretty much start from scratch. Ugh! Anyway I am going to write a list of all the things that are dear to my heart and take it from there. Let's hope it's not more than a suitcase-worth...
I have been an expat for over 20 years and can honestly say that in the long run, I wish we had dragged around about a 10th of the stuff we have. In the end, it just gets annoying, doesn't fit in the new house, doesn't run on the same electrical current, is clutter. Take what is really 'home'. For us, it is Artwork. Righto.. I will stop commenting now so that you don't worry that you have hit a nutter. But if you have questions, feel free to ask. Cheers L